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21 Items Found On Earth That Cannot Be Analyzed

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11. The Ubaid Lizardmen
Here come an interesting yet mysterious exaction project that was done in the Middle East and part of today’s Iraq. Several figurines were excavated during archaeological visits here. What’s strange about them? All of these figures had reptilian features and resembled a lizard. Some of the figurines depicted women feeding their infants, where the babies too resembled lizards. With a long reptilian nose, almond eyes and elongated face, these figurines do look mysterious today and their history could be traced back to as early as 7000 years ago.



12. The Rongorongo Tablets
These are a set of tablets that were found in the Eastern Island; however, no one really knows the origin of these tablets or the person who wrote them. The language in these tablets is Rongorongo and it is believed to be the last trace of this language.


13. Gobekli Tepe
Built on the top of a mountain in Turkey, the Gobekli Tepe is a perfect example of the civilizations that existed in Turkey even before the city started developing. The fact that you can find traces of a church here proves how religious people were in the olden days and how they wanted to develop their church even before they developed their city.

14. The Antikythera Mechanism
Also known as the “ancient computer”, this artifact was discovered near the Antikythera Island during 1901. This artifact had innumerable gears and levers on that could never be implemented today with all the technology now. When these controls were checked with an X-ray during 2006, it was found out that the artifact was used for astronomical and astrological purposes, for predicting the various cycles and the other related activities.


15. The Tecaxic – Calixlahuaca Head
Found in a grave in the city of Mexico, this sculpture is a head which resembles the people of ancient Rome. This sculpture is so old that we are not even sure of its age. However, this sculpture is an indication of the cross-country relations that were prevalent in Mexico and Rome many centuries ago.


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