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30 Animals That Have Public Places Privileges

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16.) Feral Dogs On The Loose In Moscow, Russia

There are at least 35 thousand feral dogs free-roaming the capital of Russia. The stray dogs are in every corner of the city. They also got accustomed to people and things including the subway and observing the traffic. One of the subways even have statues dedicated to all the dogs in the city.

17.) Penguins Under Your Car In Boulders Beach, South Africa

Would you believe that some of the most adorable animals could be found in Boulders Beach in South Africa? There are hundreds of penguins roaming near the beach, the sidewalks, and parking lots! They are everywhere that signs warning people not to accidentally kill them are on every corner.


18.) Colony Of Seagulls In Pyramiden, Russia

Any type of birds can be quite annoying. They are loud and chirp every other minute. But, they truly have amazing colors and feathers. Pyramiden, a small deserted mining site in Russia, is a favorite spot for the colony of seagulls. The birds use the windows of buildings in town for creating nests.

19.) Thousands Of Rats In Montecristo, Italy

When visiting Italy, remember not to go anywhere near the Montecristo Island. The place is infested with thousands of incredibly huge rats. The tiny island is not a perfect location to enjoy Italy. In 2012, it was supposed to be bombed with poison hoping to kill the plague of black rats, and consequently, destroy nature.


20.) The Abundant Monkeys In Emeishan Mountain, China
The Emeishan Mountain is located in the Sichuan province and is a popular tourist destination because of the abundance of monkeys in the area. The monkeys traveled from a national reserve near the mountain. Their population multiplied and local authorities warn visitors about their lack of respect and aggressiveness.


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