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100 Wonderful Places In Singapore You Can Visit

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56.Haw Par Villa Gardens, Singapore

Singapore 56

Dedicated to the Buddhism belief and teachings about how sins can take a soul to the hideous Ten Courts of Hell. It’s a surprisingly informative and a terrifyingly fun adventure.

57.Twin Pagoda, Chinese Garden, Singapore

The Twin Pagoda at the Chinese Garden of Singapore

Climb at the top floor of the pagoda to take a 360-degree view of this beautiful Chinese Garden. The beautiful view of Twin Pagoda is the accent for nature’s tranquillity.


58.Esplanade Theater, Singapore

Esplanade Theatres, Singapore

Singapore has indeed become a prosperous country as evidenced by the incorporation of globalisation with colossal artistic infrastructures and its diverse culture. This theatre is the epitome of it all.

59.Sultan Mosque, Singapore

Singapore 59

Singapore has different iconic places of worship which are all equally worth a visit. Marvel at the elegance of Sultan Mosque and discover more about the beautiful teachings of Islam.


60.Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore

Asian Civilisations Museum

Chinese, Indian, Muslim are amongst the different migrants living harmoniously in Singapore. This multi-ethnicity developed the rich heritage of the country.


11 Responses to 100 Wonderful Places In Singapore You Can Visit

  1. kiana says:

    what an awesome article. i have been looking for this for months now. i seriously cant wait to visit Singapore after seeing this lovely post of yours

  2. nina clarisa says:

    lovely content you got there. would always check back. thanks

  3. gloria says:

    please like how much will i need to save up to visit Singapore? thanks

  4. tori ellen says:

    Singapore is 1 of the cheapest country to visit in the world. i love the way you write. thanks for sharing tho

  5. lacey abbey says:

    one thing i would love to say is that ASIA is particularly BORING. please do not try Asia contries not to talk of Singapore

  6. ben10 says:

    sincerely, Singapore is a place to be. i spent just 1 month there and it is worth my time, effort and money.

  7. hope linda says:

    i strongly believe that Singapore is a boring country to visit. nothing fascinated me about that country

  8. kate shiana says:

    Singapore is the last place i will ever think of visiting. rubbish!

  9. mia says:

    what else do you want me to say about ? its cheap, safe and convenient for any one to visit. looking forward to returning there for 2 months relaxation

  10. ebony cara says:

    marina bay sand resort is truly the best place to see in that boring country called Singapore.

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